Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quantitative Pleasing - or - The Road to Serfdom is Paved with Good Intentions...

Let's be honest, it would be a rare individual who, while owing allegiance to a political party, doesn't believe that the opposition, is, either somewhat or stupendously corrupt... The "left" consumer sees the Republican politician as the bid-doer for big business... The "right" sees the Democrat as the unions' usurper of the marketplace...

The left believes bailouts and bonuses come at the expense, if not the destruction, of the bourgeoisie... The right sees the left dedicating their lives in politics to the death of the American way...

Upon the slightest inspection, and introspection, we would know better... We would know that neither side believes their best interests are to be met by the rich or the middle class meeting with material destruction... Indeed no my friends, while politicians are a most fallible lot, they seek not to have us kneel as beggars, but rather to worship them for their superior intellect... For they know, better than us, what is good for us... Indeed yes my friends, today's fundamental problem is that the politician is one condescending self-absorbed know-it-all, while the consumer is, alas, profoundly submissive...

The answer to our economic woes is so utterly, unequivocally and, yes, profoundly, simple - yet not without short-term pain (avoidance of the latter inspiring our submissiveness) ... We must, and will (sooner or later), begin running this country aswe would a successful household, and a successful business; i.e., soundly principled in the ways of saving, borrowing and spending...

We can (and do) babble ourselves blue over the dueling economic ideologies, however, as the failures of Europe (currently) and third-world countries (perpetually) have shown, lasting prosperity will not be had at the hands of the Fed, through quantitative easing (QE), nor at the hand of the politician, through quantitative pleasing, but at the hands of prudent, hard working Americans guided by the invisible hand of the free enterprise system...

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