It's the day after the President's jobs speech and I'm picking up my 9th grader and his buddy from school... I say to them, "dudes, I have a question for you; let's say you own one of the top two restaurants in town, and are in need of a cook... Three people apply:
There's John; he's one of the area's best chefs and currently works for the other one of the top two...
Then there's Jane; who recently lost her first chef's job due to her employer going out of business... Their food was, uh, well, they're out of business...
And lastly there's Jim; who just got laid off at another local restaurant... They say he's a pretty good chef, but, well, he got laid off...
So whom do you hire?"
They, without hesitation and in unison reply, "John"...
I say "good answer. But what if I told you that Jane's been unemployed for 7 months, and Jim's a veteran... Which, in either case, would win you a very nice, one-time, several thousand dollar tax break?
Now whom do you hire?"
They, with a half-second hesitation and in unison reply, "John"... (not at all concerned with the amount of the tax credit)...
I say "why?"... The hitch-hiker answers, "if your food's the best, your customers will keep coming back. You'll make a lot more money that way."
I then ask, "so what if you didn't need a new cook, but the government was going to give you a big chunk of money for hiring one anyway (if he/she's a vet or been unemployed for 6+ months), would you?"
They, (still not concerned with how much) without hesitation and in unison reply, "NO"... (a smirky teenager that's-a-stupid-question kind of "no")... Asking why would have been an intellectual insult and inspired more smirkiness, so I didn't...
So how is it that a couple high school freshmen have a better business sense than the authors of The President's jobs bill? You think maybe it's because they lack political instinct?
The president has never been in business for himself and maybe the kids are smarter and see the long range picture better than our president....