Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What Gives With Gold?, Are We at the Market Tipping Point??, And Overtime Innings (tipping point) or Not, The Game's Still On

Briefly on gold:

Suffice to say that gold resting at all time highs amid rising long-term treasury yields, and, not to mention, a strengthening dollar isn’t what you’d call intuitive.

So, what gives?

Three possibilities come to mind:

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dollar Pattern Playing Out, Rates Surprise (some folks), Powell Got His Way, A Deeper Dive Into the Jobs Setup, Had To Be Tactical With EM, And Maybe We're Not Yet Out of the Woods

Currently testing some new video software, and don't quite have it where we want it just yet... I expect next week we'll be back at it with your end-of-week message delivered via video.

In the meantime, the following consists of a few highlights from our latest internal notes along with commentary I'll add for clarity and context... I'll close with some compelling (BCA) arguments against the growing notion that we're out of the woods just yet:


The technical setup for the dollar (bullish) that we flagged a couple weeks ago has played out to a T:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Chart of the Day

Here’s one (among a number of) reason(s) why we are long-term bullish on emerging markets (although near-term cautious [on everything]) :

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

China's Latest, CPI Is (short-term) Key, Investment Mgr Sentiment, and a Slight Rise In Stress

Dear Clients, the following is an important read.

From our internal notes:


The reopening of Chinese markets, after “Golden Week”, was met with some serious profit taking. Headlines suggest that it's due to a press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) that did not unveil any details around the fiscal stimulus measures that the market got so euphoric over the past couple of weeks... Thing is, the NDRC would not have offered up such detail, as that’s not necessarily (particularly from an immediate-term perspective) within the purview of that particular entity.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Somewhat (near-term) More Constructive

Delivering this week’s update to you in written form. 

The following is the long and the short of the latest on the economy, and on financial markets.

Our PWA Index (measures overall general conditions) rose markedly for a third straight week -- moving closer to the neutral line -- denoting improved conditions (i.e., recession risk remains elevated, but notably less-so of late):

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Pre-Recession Data-Spike??, Rising Liquidity, China and Reflexivity

Highlights from our internal notes:


Despite the notable improvement in our own macro index, the global liquidity setup (see below), etc. (i.e., recession risk has indeed abated a bit of late), we need to be very cognizant – as I’ve illustrated in recent video commentaries – of the fact that it is the norm to get a positive spike in the data just before recession ensues.

Totem Macro’s Whitney Baker (she’s an exceptional analyst, btw) pointed that out last week, along with the factors that she sees pointing to recession.