Saturday, August 24, 2024

The, Maybe (we'll see), Quote of the Year -- Or, at a minimum, perhaps another "warning sign"

In this week's written post, I said the following with regard to professional traders:
"...despite the present ever-rising risk, today’s trader believes that, in pure self-interest/preservation, they must continue to rock to the infamous 2007 tune played by ex-Citi  CEO Chuck Prince:
“... as long as the music’s playing you gotta get up and dance.”"
So, I'm sitting here this morning listening to the latest Market Huddle podcast, and I hear this week's guest, Louis-Vincent Gave, say the following:
"Look, I think, at the time you're buying a stock at 30 times sales or 70 times earnings, a stock that you know is a deeply deeply cyclical stock, a stock that, in it's own history, has gone down 80%+ three times in the last decade or something -- by the time you're buying that stock I think you're doing it more for career protection reasons than anything else...
You're doing it because not owning it is just too painful... It's not because you think Nvidia is going to go from 3 trillion to 10 trillion market cap, you're doing it because if it goes from 3 trillion to 4 trillion you're gonna get fired.
Some of the biggest mistakes in our business have been done for career-protection reasons... And, by the way, by the time you do something for that reason, that should be the warning sign that you shouldn't do it."

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